black and white bed linen

Light Language Activation

Ready to reactivate your inner gifts?



Are you one of those people who believe that we are born with a gift, an innate talent or special ability that, when discovered, will change our lives for the better?

Now imagine that this ability is like a file that's been downloaded to you, and all you have to do is open it to take advantage of it.

This file is a universal, multidimensional language that could be described as magical...

You don't have to learn this language because it's already recorded within you. All you have to do is activate it.


Laura Barry

David Phoenix

& Friends

Based in the 4 corners of the world, they meet daily to intervene in each other's sessions.

Their guides have encouraged them to unite and have made them witnesses to a previously unimaginable power of healing and transformation. They are 2, 3 sometimes 4 medical intuitives, energy healers, transmuters, channelers, 5D scanners. They have clairaudience, clairsentience, clairvoyance and clairknowledge. Each of them channels one or more light languages.

When combined, the energy used is equivalent to 100 to 200 hours of energy healing. From that moment on, the magic happens.

By activating your Light Language, David & Laura will guide and encourage you to unite and harness your superpowers.




Light Language

Light Language is the most powerful energy healing and transformation technology on the planet today. Its power, effectiveness and ease of reactivation are so bewildering that it is becoming increasingly popular in the United States. It promises to become an indispensable alternative medicine within the next decade.

What is Light Language ?

Light Language is your original and universal language, and contains your essence. That's why it's also called the language of the soul. It's a powerful form of vibratory communication, composed of light frequencies and codes, designed to speak directly to the soul. Unlike the spoken languages we know, Light Language doesn't use words or phrases with a definite meaning. It's not intended to be understood by the rational mind, but to be felt directly by the heart and soul.

Where does it come from?

How is it possible to speak Light Language?

It comes from your heritage, which may be Arcturian, Sirian, Pleiadian, Atlantean or Lemurian.

In reality, you channel light language.

By asking your higher consciousness or your guides to send you a light language in response to a problem, in a matter of seconds you channel their message, which automatically translates into a light language that comes out of your mouth.                                           

What's it for?

We've only just begun to discover the extent of the gifts that light language brings.

Light language is undoubtedly a key to overall well-being. Its action is holistic, acting on the energetic, physical, emotional and spiritual levels.

Light language is currently the world's most powerful technology for clearing and releasing blocking energies. Those who have reactivated it explore their full potential by using it to tackle the various challenges of their daily lives.

What are the benefits of Light Language?

  • Cleansing of negative energies and implants

  • Eliminates blockages and past traumas

  • Cleanses and opens chakras

  •  Channel your guides

  • Access to Higher Dimensions

  • Multi-level healing

  • Release from past-life and trans-generational traumas

  •  Promotes Mental Clarity

  •   Heals the inner child to restore joy and innocence

  •   Connection to higher self

  •  Activation of spiritual gifts and abilities                          

  •  Vibrational elevation and energetic protection

  •   Spiritual awakening - Awakening

  •   Activation of dormant DNA codes    

  •  Activation of programs and knowledge from ancient civilizations

A Revolution in Health and Wellness

What sets Light Language apart from other forms of energy healing is its holistic approach. It doesn't just act on symptoms, but works at a root-cause level, harmonizing energies across all dimensions of existence. Stories of miraculous healings, release from ancestral traumas and personal transformation abound, making this practice a must for those seeking alternative solutions to their problems.

What are the different forms of Light Language expression?

Spoken: Light language can be expressed verbally, in the form of sounds, syllables and words that do not belong to an earthly language. The practitioner channels these sounds. He has no control over what is said, since the light language does not come from his mind. This incomprehensible language cannot be copied from anyone else. It comes from deep within you and your heritage. However, when you practice and listen to others who speak it, you may sometimes notice a resemblance to that of another practitioner. This indicates a common origin.

Sung: Some people channel light language through singing. The melodies and specific tones carry energetic codes that activate healing frequencies, activating your DNA to create transformations.

Danced: Light Language can also be expressed through body movements, hand gestures or dances. These gestures create geometric shapes in space, amplifying energy and connection.

Written: Some people channel Light Language by writing it down. The symbols, shapes and patterns drawn carry specific meanings and energies.

Laura Barry successfully channels these 4 forms of expression on a daily basis. As for David Phoenix, he is one of the few Light Language polyglots.

How to learn and understand Light Language?

It's not possible for ordinary people to translate and understand Light Language, except for a very few.  Your body, your DNA and your consciousness will understand it perfectly.

Light Language can't be learned, which is good news. It means that you already have this skill, this superpower within you. Nor do you have to choose which form of Light Language suits you. It will all come naturally.

When you activate your Light Language, it will be spoken.

Then, as the practice progresses, other forms of expression of your Light Language may emerge, such as a desire or a need.

Is Light language religious in nature?

Thousands of testimonies from men and women of all origins and social classes, including eminent doctors and uninfluential scientists, and the abundant literature on the afterlife that tops the bestseller lists in bookshops, have led science to admit that what has been called the “soul” is a higher consciousness, an extra-neuronal consciousness which, by definition, lies outside the body and interacts with the individual.

Another example from a very distant field is that of the boards of directors of major American corporations. People are sometimes surprised to discover that certain executives are also directors of other large companies, without having any financial stake in them. When these people are in meetings, their higher consciousness hovers over the members. This is another definition of collective intelligence.

When a problem is identified, this collective intelligence, this cloud of information hovering overhead, will “work” and bring the proposals down into the consciousness of the meeting's participants.

Sometimes, the solution to one of your problems comes to you out of nowhere, when you're doing something completely different and you've never even considered it from this angle. It comes from your higher consciousness.

When a high-definition visual on the precise location of a client's body problem appears mentally to the practitioner who has not yet been informed of it, it is once again his higher consciousness that sends him the necessary information.

From a practical point of view, when you speak in light language, it's your higher consciousness that takes over from your mind. Light language is part of you, and therefore has no religious character.

Is Light Language safe?

Although experienced practitioners always work on the assumption that their sessions are free of negative energy, you are calling upon your higher consciousness or higher-vibrating luminous beings.

When you speak light language, the vibratory level is such that lower energies have no access to it.

How did I feel when I spoke my first Light Language?

Big kids who have watched all the Harry Potter and Matrix films with some regularity will understand what follows. This message is dedicated to them.

Comfortably seated in front of my television, I was absorbed by these films.

As a spectator of the scene, part of me was living vicariously through these magical things.

Why this wonder at the extra ordinary, the magical powers, the different dimensions offered in the films?

Part of me, my inner child, was allowing myself to imagine the impossible, much to my delight. My whole body was vibrating positively.

And you know what they say: the body doesn't deceive. If you want to know how you feel in a situation, or the choice you have to make, observe your body, it speaks to you.

Mine was telling me that some of these things were certainly possible, just as ancient civilizations had not yet revealed all their secrets.

When the film was over, my little character, with his seemingly balanced mental health, regained his power and seriousness, and filed this fiction away in its rightful place in his DVD case.

The first time I asked my guides for a Light Language, I expressed the intention that it should be for Laura. Preferably on a subject that would affect her, without informing her.

I think it took at least two seconds before her eyes began to water.

The light language had hit the bull's eye! A work of liberation was beginning.

Stunned, I stopped.

In an instant, I had crossed the wall to track 9 3/4, where the train to Hogwarts was waiting.

I boarded the train and discovered an invisible reality that determines our visible reality.

Since then, I've never wanted to take a return ticket, and I've found my inner child again.

Comment se déroule l’activation Light Language ?

Vous ne recevrez pas de vidéo pré-enregistrée par mail.

Votre activation se déroule en direct par zoom

Votre light language sera activé individuellement.

Vous ferez partie d’un cercle limité à 6 participants et chacun recevra son activation.

Au préalable, vous bénéficierez d’un nettoyage énergétique

Vous lirez des phrases et questions canalisées par les guides pour lever les blocages à l’activation du Light Language.

A la fin de cette étape, nous activerons votre Light Language.

Ce petit cercle de participants va vous permettre d’être immédiatement dans le concret.

Cette activation se veut pratico-pratique et a pour but de vous mettre en situation.

Vous parlerez votre Light Language et vous pourrez en recevoir à votre tour.

Après avoir identifié les problématiques sur lesquels les participants souhaiteraient agir, vous aurez l’occasion de mesurer les effets de votre Light Language et celui des autres.

Nous vous proposerons, si vous désirez, de garder contact avec les personnes qui auront partagé cet activation avec vous pour continuer de pratiquer d’une part, et parce qu’une expérience comme celle-ci créé des liens !